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Stephen M. Harnik




Stephen M. Harnik is a general practitioner, concentrating in corporate law, international law, litigation, arbitration, trusts and estates and real property. He represents a broad range of domestic, foreign and international corporations. He is the attorney for the Austrian government in New York, the President of the American Foreign Law Association ("AFLA"), the U.S. correspondent of Juris Consult Alliance (a consortium of law firms throughout Western, Central and Eastern Europe), a Trustee of The American Austrian Foundation, Inc., (AAF) a Director of the U.S. Austrian Chamber of Commerce, (USACC) a Director of the International Friends of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, (IFKHM), the Freud Foundation US, which supports the Freud Museum in Vienna, a Director of the International Friends of the Albertina Museum in Vienna, ("IFAM"), a director of the International Friends of the MAK ("IFMAK," Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria), a director of the Vienna Secession American Foundation, (VSAF), a Director of the International Friends of the European Radiological Society (IFERS) with headquarters in Vienna. Mr. Harnik is a regular contributor to Anwalt Aktuell, a monthly legal periodical published in Austria. He is a graduate of Swarthmore College and Case Western Reserve University School of Law.

On June 6, 2007, Stephen M. Harnik was awarded a gold decoration of honor for his services to the Republic of Austria (Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich).

On the 16th Austrian-American Day, September 16, 2013, the Austrian-American Council awarded Stephen Harnik its Volunteer Community Service Award.

On February 18, 2016, Stephen M. Harnik was honored by the City of Vienna with a silver statuette of the armored knight who stands atop Vienna’s City Hall (the Rathausmann award). On the same occasion, the Austrian Consul General in NY Dr. Georg Heindl commemorated Mr. Harnik’s 20 years as Austria’s designated attorney for the Republic in NY.​

Stephen M. Harnik is a New York State licensed real estate broker.

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